Made In Tennessee
Watertown, TN | 2001-2013
After graduate school (UNL), Meagan Kieffer (future wife!) and I did a Summer Residency at the Archie Bray Foundation (Helena, MT 1999), then a 3-year residency at the Appalachian Center for Crafts (Smithville, TN 1999-2002). That marked 25 years for me, as either student or resident. So we bought a fixer-upper in rural Watertown, TN and started adulting. For 11+ years we worked on the house, planted flowers, and made that stuff down👇 there.
Volume 1: Early Days
“Polly” 2007
“Crush” 2007
“April” 2006
Volume 2: Late Nights
“Peel” 2011
“Blossom” 2011
“Puff” 2008