The Recent Past

The Black Hills, SD | 2014-2021

I realize 2014 isn’t exactly “recent”. but the alternatives are “The South Dakota Years”, or “Early Fatherhood Period”. lame-o. but for clarity, the ‘2014-’18 years of art-making were defined by tiredness. when i look at “Strut”, “Picasso”, “Paris”….I can feel the exhaustion as I picked away at leatherhard clay. pausing to close my eyes, then awaken to poke a few more holes. 2015 began The School Years, and eventually I was awake enough to help build the new studio, completed in 2018.

Jason Briggs "Royal". porcelain and mixed media sculpture ceramics.
“Royal” 2020

2020  |  Porcelain, hair, steel, rubber
Base: painted plaster  |  8″ x 8″ x 8″

2020  |  Porcelain, hair, steel, rubber
Base: painted plaster  |  8″ x 8″ x 8″

Jason Briggs "Royal"
“Royal” 2020
Jason Briggs "Ventura"
“Tip” 2020
Jason Briggs "Monty"
“Monty” 2021
Jason Briggs "Ventura"
“Ventura” 2020
Jason Briggs "Suave"
“Suave” 2019
Jason Briggs "Belle"
“Belle” 2019
Jason Briggs "Master"
“Master” 2018
Jason Briggs "Tera"
“Tera” 2018
Jason Briggs "Paris"
“Paris” 2018
Jason Briggs "Picasso"
“Picasso” 2018
Jason Briggs "Strut"
“Strut” 2018
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